
The idea of departure first came to me as I started to think and draw from previous works, one being an autobiographical piece. Working autobiographically proved to be extremely difficult for the mind as not only did I not want to remember some of my experiences, sometimes it was mentally impossible to remember the details of experiences or situations.

So steming from the autobiographical works I found myself thinking about personal histories, how we trace and recognise as humans and journeys.Each day is a new journey, we will be departing that day somehow, somewhere. This could be as we step onto the train in the morning to work. Or leaving the coffee shop on our mid-morning break. Departing could also mean a goodbye, goodbye old jeans that I can no longer fit in to. Goodbye yesterday's newspaper, in the bin. On a more literal and also grim scale it could also mean death or divorce. Not only was I thinking about the actual word and meaning but about the history of the word, how it is used and what we mean when we say 'departure'.

Researching the 'departure' and it's defintions has helped me explore the term in many creative ways. I have been working on exploring departure in photography, keeping in mind the definition whilst working creatively.

I plan to gather as much productive material together as I can. Including dance, video, photography, installation and performance. I think working so versatile will help emphasise the versatile meanings I have found within 'departure'.